Mental Health, Workplace Productivity, and Solutions

Mental Health, Workplace Productivity, and Solutions 

With fast-paced work environments becoming more common, mental health has emerged as an important factor that can affect an employee’s well-being and overall productivity. As employers and employees strive for success in the workplace, it’s crucial to acknowledge the influence mental health can have on job performance. Here are some ways mental health affects the workplace, along with some solutions:  

  • Reduced Productivity and Engagement:
    Not doing well mentally can affect our focus and motivation, making it challenging to accomplish tasks and feel connected to work. When this happens, we can: 
    • Look for any bit of flexibility in the workplace and workday to better manage the workload. For example; 
    • Adjusting your work hours so that they align with the times that you feel most motivated and productive, if possible 
    • Taking breaks with the focus of destressing  
    • Cutting large tasks into smaller chunks
  • Impact on Physical Health:
    Sometimes stress can manifest as physical symptoms such as headaches or stomach issues. Understandably, this can affect productivity and overall wellbeing. We can prevent this from happening by; 
    • Participating in wellness activities that include healthy habits and self-care. Whether this is going for a run, taking time with family and friends, or prioritizing time alone, self-care is an important step in maintaining not only physical health, but mental health as well. 
  • Strained Interpersonal Relationships:
    When we aren’t feeling our best mentally, it can cause our fuses to be a little shorter than usual. This may lead to misunderstandings in the workplace and tension among coworkers. Avoid this by; 
    • Taking a step back before responding to something that is bothering you in the workplace. Be mindful of using open and respectful communication to address conflicts and avoid misunderstandings. 
  • Risk of Burnout:
    Burnout can look different depending on the person and situation. Most of the time it’s a general lack of motivation and concentration due to a high workload. Burnout doesn’t just affect short-term goals being accomplished, it can also affect long-term productivity. Prevent and address burnout by;  
    • Prioritizing work-life balance. Don’t let a high workload take over your entire life. Though it is easier said than done, it is important to step away from work to enjoy other areas of your life. This can mean;  
      • Engaging in hobbies 
      • Spending quality time with friends and family 
      • Making plans to travel 
    • Look for opportunities for personal growth and development. Sometimes burnout comes from feeling stagnant rather than an overload of work. Look for ways to improve your skills or invest in yourself. This can look like; 
      • Taking an online course to learn or enhance skills 
      • Taking time to learn about leadership, self-confidence, and sense of self through books, lectures, or classes.  At employU, we offer trainings where you can gain and enhance skills such as communication, self-advocacy, team collaboration, time management, and more. (Click here for more information.)
  • Diminish Decision-Making and Creativity:
    Clear thinking and innovation can become difficult when we are not in a great space mentally. This not only affects our work, but also our overall decision-making process. Combat this by: 
    • Embracing collaborative opportunities that encourage sharing ideas. Sometimes brainstorming with a group can help spark your own creativity.  
    • Take advantage of any trainings or classes that enhance critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills. This knowledge can be the tool that helps you get out of any creative or decision-making block you may be experiencing. 

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