On this page you have access to tools and resources to help keep you engaged on your path to employment. Whether you are just starting out with us or are a long-time customer, this portal serves as your access point to the wide-world of the job-seeking process. We are constantly trying to improve and add to our customer resources, so be sure to check back regularly for updates.
If you have submitted an application to begin Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services and have a question on the status of that application, please contact your local VR office to request an update. To find your local VR office contact information click here. For any other questions, please reach out to employU’s Relationship Management team at info@employu.org.
Your Path to Employment
You may just be starting out with employment services, and if so, wondering what that process looks like. This quick overview can give you a better understanding of how you become an employU customer and what happens once you do. You can also visit Vocational Rehabilitation’s website where they go over the steps in the process to receiving services.

Jumpstarting your job-seeking process
NextJob’s platform will help you jumpstart the job-seeking journey. We have broken down an overview some of the essential elements in this process. Dive deeper into each section by logging into your NextJob account where you will walk through in detail how to accomplish each task, all at your own pace and in your own time. Once you have gone through all of these areas, you will be better prepared to continue on your journey to your new career with employU’s one-on-one job coaching services.
Voluntary, Free Webinar Classes with employU Academy
Since the Vocational Rehabilitation process can take up to 8 weeks to begin receiving direct employment services, employU has created a voluntary, free virtual academy that allows you to jumpstart your career preparation and keep you informed on assorted topics related to employment. Through employU Academy you will have access to a robust set of tools to help prepare you for the job-seeking process.
employU Academy is a fantastic opportunity for you to take advantage of.
- 90-minute, 6 week classes
- Held once a week
- Jumpstart your career prep
- Join when the session times suit your schedule
- Stay informed on assorted topics related to employment
- Led by an experienced employU professional who understands the job market
- Insider tips and tricks to help succeed
- Enhance your skills with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the workforce
Each virtual session in the series is self-contained, so feel free to jump in at any time after you register. You do not have to attend every session to make progress in achieving your career goals. Those who attend all 6 classes in the course, however, will receive a certificate and $50 gift card upon completion.
You have access to an easy-to-use interactive platform called NextJob that can help prepare you for the job-seeking journey. This platform that walks you through every step of the process on your own time. You will have access to a guided resume builder that will help grab an employer’s attention quickly, personality assessments that can help to identify the right work environment and occupations for you, an interactive interview tool that allows you to practice answering difficult interview questions, and much more! The best part is that it is free to use for employU customers.
First time user? Use access code J4223063244 to receive access to NextJob at no cost to you!
How to Prepare for Your Meeting with Vocational Rehabilitation
After your Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) application has been processed by them, they will reach out to schedule your first meeting. When it comes time to meet with your Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, make sure you are prepared to get the most of out of your meeting. If you have not yet heard from Vocational Rehabilitation about your application for services, please reach out to your local VR office to ask about the status. To find your local VR office contact information, click here.
Your first meeting with Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) can take place in the VR office, over the phone, or through video chat. The meeting will last at least an hour. Your VR counselor will ask you about the following topics during your meeting;
- Your work history information
- Jobs or fields you are interested in
- Your disability
- Your finances
- Your Supports
Make sure to bring the following to the meeting with your VR counselor;
- Recent medical or psychological reports (within the last 3 years)
- Your physician’s name and address
- Your social security card
- Your health insurance card
- Proof that you are permitted to work in the United States, if you are not a U.S. citizen
- Your Medicare or Medicaid card
- Current income information such as current W2s and tax returns (form 1040)
You can also prepare by reading VR’s handbook linked here.
After the meeting, your VR counselor may send you for additional evaluations or assessments, at no cost to you, if additional information is required. VR will use this information to determine your eligibility. Eligibility Determinations can take up to 60 days to make.
What To Expect After You Are Determined Eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation Services
After your Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) application has been submitted and you have completed your first meeting with your VR Counselor, they will determine if you are eligible to receive services. If you have not yet been contacted by VR about your application or to schedule your first meeting, please contact your local VR office to ask about the status of your case. You can find your local VR office contact information by clicking here.
Once Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) has determined that you are eligible for services, your team at VR will begin writing your Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE). This process can take up to 90 days. The plan will list services and service providers you are eligible for. If you would like to receive a benefits analysis called WIPA, it is recommended that you request this before your team writes your IPE. For more information on the process to receiving services, such as writing your IPE, click here to visit VR’s website.
Remember, your VR Counselor is there to help and you have the right to use a service provider of your choosing (like employU) and to request other services such as;
- An interpreter
- WIPA (Benefits analysis regarding how employment will affect your benefits for SSI and SSDI recipients)
- Career Counseling and Guidance
- On-the-job Training
- Training and Education
- Assistive Technology
- Job Placement
- Job Coaching
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