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May 17, 2024


by: marketing


Categories: Newsletter Articles

Mental Health, Workplace Productivity, and Solutions  With fast-paced work environments becoming more common, mental health has emerged as an important factor that can affect an employee’s well-being and overall productivity. As employers and employees strive for success in the workplace, it's crucial to acknowledge the influence mental health can have on job performance. Here are [...]

April 19, 2024


by: marketing


Categories: Newsletter Articles

Navigating the Spectrum: A Guide to Autism Resources Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a wide range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. While autism presents unique challenges, it's important to remember that individuals with ASD have incredible strengths and abilities. Fortunately, there are many resources available to [...]

March 8, 2024


by: marketing


Categories: Newsletter Articles

Empowered Living: Resources for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Developmental disabilities are a diverse group of conditions that begin early in life and can impact a person's ability to learn, communicate, or perform daily activities (to learn more about developmental disabilities click here). These challenges can vary greatly, affecting individuals in areas like motor skills, language, [...]

January 12, 2024


by: marketing


Categories: Newsletter Articles

Entering the Workforce with Confidence Entering the workforce for the first time is an exciting time full of new opportunities and possibilities. However, it can also be overwhelming to figure out where to start and how to navigate the job market. That's where employU comes in. Whether you’re looking for an entry level job or [...]

November 13, 2023


by: marketing


Categories: Newsletter Articles

We Are Growing In the past year, the increase in demand for employees and skilled workers has become apparent. With labor shortages affecting businesses in every industry, finding the right fit for job seekers has become more important than ever. Businesses and employees both benefit from these vacant positions not only being filled, but being [...]

December 1, 2023


by: marketing


Categories: Newsletter Articles

Stepping Into Her Dream Career With Independence: Paulette’s Story Paulette is a recent graduate from Florida A&M where she earned a BS in Broadcast Journalism. Paulette feels that autism has contributed to her passion and excellence in writing because she “sees” things from a unique perspective which charges her creativity. Sheila, Paulette’s employU Employment Specialist [...]

November 10, 2023


by: marketing


Categories: Newsletter Articles

Gaining Experience for the Future: Traeton's Story Having your own money to save and spend is something every teenager desires. This was true for high school student and employU client, Traeton. A good student who is able to keep up with his schoolwork while helping his grandfather with lawn care at home, Traeton first began [...]

November 3, 2023


by: marketing


Categories: Newsletter Articles

Discovering A Path To Independence: Alex’s Story Alex came to employU to find a path for future employment. Referred by Vocational Rehabilitation, she started working with employU for Discovery Services to help determine what would be most successful for her. Through this process, she was also referred to take part in a unique partnership with [...]

October 20, 2023


by: marketing


Categories: Newsletter Articles

Your Disability Employment Rights As we work towards a more disability-inclusive workforce, our staff at employU actively advocates for our clients within the workplace. While we are always here to help, knowing your employment rights is a valuable tool to have. Under the American Disabilities Act (ADA), it is unlawful to discriminate in employment against [...]

employU is an approved vendor with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and we are happy to serve VR’s customers.
employU is a CARF accredited organization
employU is a Veteran Safe Place