
Persistence Pays Off: Connor’s Story

A Shift from Autism Awareness to Autism Acceptance National Autism Awareness Month was first held in April 1970 by the Autism Society. It was established with the intent and goal to educate and bring awareness of autism to the public. The Autism Society defines autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), which includes Asperger’s Disorder and [...]
employU Partners with Burlington to Provide Employment Exploration Opportunities for Students  Nonprofit disability employment service agency and retail giant come together to help students gain insight into future career paths  Workplace exploration and experience can be priceless tools for students getting ready to make the transition into adulthood. Recognizing this, employU and Burlington are partnering [...]
What Is National Deaf History Month March 13th begins National Deaf History Month, which runs through April 15th.  Celebrating the contributions and accomplishments of the deaf and hard of hearing community, National Deaf History Month recognizes three key events that impacted the community. The three significant dates are;  April 15, 1817  On April 15, 1817 [...]

About one in six children, ages 3 to 17, are diagnosed with a developmental disability, according to the CDC. Varying in signs and symptoms, developmental disabilities are a group of conditions that begin during the developmental stages of an individual’s life and may affect day-to-day functioning throughout their lifetime due to an impairment in the […]

Strengthening Lifelong Skills: Edliz’s Story A high school student with tons of creativity, Edliz was referred to employU in October of 2021. Along with drawing landscapes and characters, she enjoys studying science, biology, and botany. Looking to increase her workforce experience before graduating high school, Edliz participated in two on-the-job trainings (OJTs). After completing her [...]
Exploring Possibilities: Joshua’s Story So many of us go through a period of time when we aren’t quite sure which career path is right for us. Sometimes we have so many interests we want to pursue that it’s hard to narrow things down. Other times we aren’t quite sure exactly which field we may be [...]
employU Assists Job Seekers and Businesses with Tampa Jobs Over the past year, the increase in demand for employees and skilled workers has become apparent. With labor shortages affecting businesses in every industry, finding the right fit for job seekers has become more important than ever. Businesses and employees both benefit from these vacant positions [...]
What is Adaptive Clothing and Where to Buy It As we’ve seen throughout the years, there are many benefits to raising awareness around the disability community. This education and knowledge has allowed for communities to come together to create solutions that benefit and improve the quality of day-to-day living for many. An increase in the [...]

employU is an approved vendor with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and we are happy to serve VR’s customers.
employU is a CARF accredited organization
employU is a Veteran Safe Place