
Best NonProfits to Work For- Second Year in a Row!

employU made the Best NonProfits to Work For list for the second year in a row! This awards program is designed to identify, recognize, and honor the best employers in the nonprofit industry.  The two-part survey process consists of evaluating each organization’s workplace practices, policies, systems, demographics, and philosophy. With an emphasis on employee experience, […]

Overcoming your fears is something we all find difficult from time to time.  It’s not easy to do.  But what about overcoming a fear… and turning into a passion that serves others?  That’s exactly what employU client Clayton did.   Clayton first became interested in marine life after a 2006 visit to Discovery Cove.  He always [...]

As the first youth client in Palm Beach County, Samantha participated in employU’s Thanksgiving Career Camp. After enjoying all of the Career Camp activities, she quickly requested to take part in employU’s Winter Camp the very next month. She also expressed that she would like to own her own pet store one day. Although she […]

Click here to flip through Nadia's completed comic book and experience her talent for yourself! Filled with enthusiasm, passion, and an upbeat attitude, Nadia is a talented young woman employU is proud to call a client. Growing up, creativity seemed to run through her veins. Even as a child, she practiced photography, and through her [...]

As a sophomore in high school, Lauren was first referred to employU for a Vocational Evaluation, Pre-Placement Training class, Self-Advocacy class, and an on-the-job training (OJT). Within her first year with employU, Lauren was able to complete her Vocational Evaluation, Pre-Placement Training class, and four OJTs!   Over the past three years, she has successfully completed […]


employU is proud to partner with ConnectableJax in an exciting initiative called Shopability Saturday.  The event takes place citywide in Jacksonville on Saturday, March 6th. Shopability Saturday celebrates inclusiveness by urging support for local businesses that employ people with Autism, Down syndrome, and other intellectual and developmental differences (IDDs).  These local businesses have learned that […]


Selena is an employU client with a passion for animals and a strong desire to become a vet tech. She also had goals of being financially independent and being able to move out on her own while supporting herself.  Upon hearing Selena’s passion and goals, her Transition Coordinator Leita Strickland got to work.   Selena began […]


employU peer mentor Elektra has some great advice for youth clients learning to navigate the challenges that come with transitioning into the adult world.  And, with a little creativity, she’s made it super easy to remember by using the word adore as an acronym.  Read more on the details of ADORE and check out Elekra’s […]


employU is an approved vendor with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and we are happy to serve VR’s customers.
employU is a CARF accredited organization
employU is a Veteran Safe Place